Wednesday, October 12, 2005

10-4 Good Buddy

In Washington State there has been publicity and, I believe, legislation regarding allowing Semi drivers enough room to stop if the need becomes necessary. South of Tacoma there are signs along I-5 reminding you not to cut the truck drivers off.

I appreciate the plight of the truck driver. In my previous position I had occassion to work with several truck drivers and they were all great guys. Perhaps had some relationship issues with the wives, which partly explained why they did long-haul work, but we aren't going to get into that here.

I give trucks plenty of room behind me when I pull in front of them. I don't sit in their blind spots. I give them ample rooms for wide right turns. I only ask for one thing in return, and they can't even provide me with that:



Blogger Shannin said...

Amen, sister...

10:12 AM  

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