Thursday, August 19, 2004

Remember -- Old Country Buffet

While on the plane on the flight back from London there was a gentleman on the opposite side of the plane speaking to a black* woman who repeatedly uttered the above-mentioned phrase. Both at the beginning and the end of the flight. The man was obsessed.

I can't believe that the woman turned to the man at the beginning of the flight and asked, "Excuse me, do you know where I can find enormous amounts of mediocre-quality food while in the United States?" Which MUST mean that the guy thinks Old Country Buffet really is good food.

Evidence that this man is not alone: Several years ago Old Country Buffet bought out Granny's Buffet restaurants. They've changed the name of all the old Granny's Buffets to Old Country Buffet. Well, all but one. In Kennewick, Washington, the Granny's Buffet got to retain it's name because it's less than 1 mile from the Old Country Buffet, and they were afraid if they changed the name that one of the brances would lose significant business. Of course, Kennewick, Washington, considers Olive Garden high cuisine.

Getting off the plane I wanted to go over to the woman and apologize on behalf of my country, but customs awaited me, instead.

* I know it's not politically correct, but I doubt she was African-AMERICAN, and I don't know what country she was from, so what is the correct way to refer to someone in that situation?


Blogger Greg said...

How mortifying. Well, I suppose our nation's international reputation will survive in its current condition, regardless.

So other than the flight, how was the trip?!?!

2:01 PM  
Blogger Matthew Arata said...

yeah - just call her black.

2:18 PM  

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