Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Book Meme

At the request of TRP, here goes...

You are stuck inside Fahrenheit 451. What book would you be?

I haven't read Farenheit 451, but I'd probably have to be Sid and Nancy: Love Kills (The screenplay to the movie), because I think it's the only book I COULD memorize (outside of children's lit) and that's only because a friend and I memorized the movie in our teen years. As in, we once recited the ENTIRE movie in the back seat of my Dad's Cadillac on the way to summer camp.

If the reality of being able to memorize an entire book isn't an issue I'd probably say Lord of the Flies, because when society came to its senses I'd want us to be very thoughtful in recreating ourselves.

Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character?

I presume this means a fictional character in a book, as this is the book meme. Can't say that I have.

What was the last book you bought?

It was either I'm Just Here for the Food or Eleanor Rigby. Both are now signed by the author. The signing for Food was first, but I bought Eleanor Rigby before the signing, and they were relatively close together. I also have an individual serving size box of Lucky Charms signed by Douglas Coupland.

What are you currently reading?

Choke: A Novel. This is the first of Palahniuk's fiction I've ever tried. I've heard great things about him, and I LOVED Fugitives and Refugees: A Walk in Portland, Oregon, but I'm finding it hard to get into it. Not that it isn't great writing, but you need to be in a very specific mindset to tackle it.

Me Talk Pretty One Day.

What five books would you take to a deserted island?

Individual books, this is tough:

The Bible. Contains a little bit of everything, and might actually get through it with all that time on my hands.

Animalia. I could get lost in the pictures for days.

Something by Douglas Coupland. He's hands-down my favorite author, his books are always good for a re-read, and since they always deal with loneliness it would be apropos. The question is which one. I reserve the right to change my mind, but today I'd probably pick Hey Nostradamus. (And I think I'm adding this to the current reading pile as a result of this question)

A great big book of Crossword Puzzles. Easy New York Times puzzles, unless I can smuggle a crossword puzzle dictionary on the island without anyone noticing, in which case give me the full week's worth of dificulty.

Atlas Shrugged. I am by no stretch of the imagination an objectivist, but it's a book that always gets the mental cogs turning. And it's a big,thick chunk of a book that has never taken me less than 4 months to read, so it will help kill a lot of time on the beach. And it's tied into some really good high school memories, so will even allow me to get a bit nostalgic.

Who are you going to pass this book meme to and why?

Most folks I know have already done it, so I'll pass it to Kaphine, Grigorpdx and Realsupergirl.


Blogger lemming said...

Rachel at Yuppie Dorm introduced me to Animalia, and I think it's one of the smartest and most beautiful books around - great choice.

12:56 PM  

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