Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Confessing My Sins

I just wrote the following thank you note for a gift we received for the wedding:

Dear friends of my parents,

We're sorry you weren't able to make it up to Seattle for the wedding, but thank you so much for the George Foreman Grill! We both like to cook, so I'm surprised we hadn't gotten one for ourselves earlier, but it's definitely appreciated now. Living in a condo, we can't have a BBQ, so now we can bring the outdoors in.

Hopefully everything is going well with both of you.

The SwankPoets

What I FORGOT to mention: By "appreciate" I mean that even if we had the space in which to store a George Foreman Grill, I highly doubt that we'll ever use it. I'd rather have space for my Cuisinart, Kitchen Aid, pasta machine, pressure cooker, two crock pots, etc. However, we returned it to the store and bought a grill pan AND a soap dispenser instead.


Blogger Shannin said...

Believe it or not, I love my GFG. Chicken breasts take minutes, fish even fewer minutes. They are so easy to clean. If I can't do it outside, I do it on my GFG...

10:11 AM  
Blogger Army of Mom said...

Sacrilege! I LOVE my Foreman grill. Army of Dad prefers the grill outside, but it is really nice to have for quick and easy meals.

6:04 PM  
Blogger kaphine said...

I've written at least one thank you card of the same variety. Thanks so much (even though I don't know what to do with it). But they say, graciousness never goes out of style.

8:37 AM  

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