Monday, August 23, 2004


So I am fully back from vacation now. Except for the fact that I haven't finished unpacking. I'll get to that when I need the clothes that accompanied me on the trip. And I still owe Kaphine a postcard. I bought her two, but didn't send either of them from England because I forgot to bring my address book and I didn't think "Cambridge, MA" would quite be enough for the postman.

Samson stayed at a Kitty Hotel for the duration. I feared that if a stranger came into my house to feed him he would go psycho and tear the place up. As it was, he went on a hunger strike the first couple of days there. He's been particularly snuggly since I got back. This morning he let me sleep until noon, and was still snuggled right up with me when I finally got around to waking up.

The end of last week was the transition back into real life -- pick up the mail, get the feet wet at work again (there was one point on vacation where I seriously thought I had forgotten how to do my job), catch up on past episodes of the Amazing Race.

Tomorrow we get back to the routine, including here.


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