Monday, August 23, 2004

Old vs New

One of the most striking sites we visited in our trip to London were the Cabinet War Rooms. This is where Winston Churchill and his staff set up shop during the bomb raids of WWII, in the basement of one of the government buildings near 10 Downing Street. Many of the rooms were deserted after the war, and are exactly as they were left. Others have been recreated based on notes and first-person accounts.

The government of England lived, slept, ate and worked in these crowded basement quarters while getting the job done against the Nazi's. Lower-ranking workers had to sleep in the sub-basement, with 4 foot ceilings and no room whatsoever.

The lone sign of "luxury" in this sub-terrainean encampent was a nice dining room suite set up for the Churchill's.

The thing that struck me the most, however, was the Transatlantic Telephone Room. What you see in the picture is the extent of the "room." It was disguised as a restroom (perenially locked), so even most of those government workers who were sequestered below ground did not know it's real purpose. It was here that Churchill was able to call Roosevelt to discuss international affairs.

The museum has an excellent audio tour that explains everything to you, and it also allows you to listen to some first-hand accounts and recreations of life below ground. While standing there listening to the recreation of a conversation between the President and the Prime Minister it struck me that Bush and Blair fancy themselves to be on par with the men that helped bring an end to World War II. And experiencing a taste of what Churchill experienced it struck me as just how wrong that was.

London was bombed to shreds during WWII. Churches are drowning in dead bodies, both inside and out. The National Health System and educational system are falling apart before their very eyes.

But throughout London you see construction cranes putting up new buildings. The churches also have amazing artwork and history. And, somehow, I'm sure they'll figure out a way to provide education to the youth and healthcare to the people.

To quote Jeff Goldblum's character from Jurassic Park, "I'm simply saying that life - - finds a way"


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