Thursday, November 11, 2004

The Amazing Race 6 Predictions

The Amazing Race is easily my favorite reality show. Sweetie and I have been watching it together from the first season. (It was a long-distance relationshp at the time, so watching it together meant we called each other during the commercial breaks).

A new season starts on Tuesday. For the past two seasons Sweetie and I have picked who we think will win the race before the first episode, so that we have a rooting interest.

Season 4 I picked the team that came in third.
Last Season I picked the team that won it all.

I'm nervous about my pick this season. There are two teams that have caught my attention. Unfortunately, one of the two teams does not have a Q&A posted on the site. The Q&A gives a lot of good information on dynamics and experience, so without a Q&A they're too much of a wildcard.

Therefore, I predict the father/daughter team of Gus and Hera to be the winners of Amazing Race 6. They've got a good mix of athleticism and intelligence. They aren't using the race to test and see if their relationship will be a success (never a good sign). Traditionally parent/child teams haven't done so hot. That's what scares me. However, last season their demise was due in part to the fact that dad had a major injury coming out of the blocks. Were it not for that I think they would have been very realy contenders. I think this father/daughter teams offers similar strengths and weaknesses.

Interested to see how well my prediction holds? Tune in next Tuesday to find out.


Blogger TeacherRefPoet said...

The wrestlers really intrigue me. I'm going to pick them, but reserve the right to switch if there's a red flag in their interview that scares me away. On first blush, though, I think that pro wrestlers have all the skills that translate to success in the Race: athleticism, charm, complete fearlessness, and the ability to play to the crowd.

Gus and Hera also caught my eye, but the parent/child syndrome bothers me. Therefore, if I decide I don't like the wrestlers, I'll switch to Jonathan and Victoria. I suspect I'll HATE them, but I think they've got a way to work. The models, Hayden and whoever, also look strong...a pair of driven athletes...but I can't pick a team where one of them fears flying.

I have officially given the wrestlers the kiss of death!

2:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I liked Joe and Avi, until the remark about not compromising for non-kosher food. But then again, I'm not an Amazing Race follower, so what do I know?


6:25 AM  

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