Tuesday, January 11, 2005


I've come one step closer to becoming a soccer mom tonight.

First it was accepting the fact that I must live in suburbia.

Next it was the Subaru Forester.

Now we've got a calendar hanging in the kitchen to record things like dentist's appointments and nights the Sweetie's got to ref, and our trip to Boston this summer to see Kaphine and RealSuperGirl get married.

The calendar is a very good thing, I'm just very afraid of the path it's leading me down.


Blogger kaphine said...

Just having a place to organize your life does not make you a soccer mom (kids! Hold it down, I'm talking to your Aunt Sammy!) Realsupergirl and I found it was impossible to coordinate the social obligations of two people without one. You've just got twice the life now, or maybe even three times--yours (singular), his, and yours (plural).

7:08 AM  

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