Monday, January 31, 2005

Welcome to the 21st Century

There is a light at the end of the tunnel on the unpacking front. Which is exciting and depressing all at the same time. Exciting, because there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Depressing because I've been "moved in" for almost two months now.

Yesterday I took a carload of stuff to Goodwill, so am now down to about 8 boxes. Two of those are CD's and videos, about 4 of those are clothes that need to be washed and sorted, and two of those are papers that need to be sorted, recycled and filed and that have been following me, in the same two boxes, for at least 3 moves now.

With the disposal of the last of the Goodwill boxes we were also able to get to my TV, which meant we could assemble the entertainment center and swap out TVs. We now get to take advantage of a flat screen TV and a DVD player. Unfortunately, we've got three remotes to juggle now instead of just one. We'll get to juggle remotes for at least a couple of weeks, because we've got a new remote on order for the TiVo and I'm not going to figure out how to make this remote TV and DVD compatible when a new remote will be here momentarily.

Next up is assembly of the stereo. Which must be done during daylight hours, because the shelves that go into the entertainment center need to be pounded in with a hammer and I don't want all the neighbors to hate me.

We are also a two computer household now, as I got my tower set up yesterday. My printer isn't plugged in yet, but just because I needed a longer USB cable and I picked one of those up on the way home tonight.

Next up: DSL.


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