Friday, April 29, 2005

Warning to Diabetics: This One's Ultra-Sugary


I've almost posted a couple of super sappy tributes to him earlier in the week (having nothing to do with the fact that he is 35 today), but didn't get around to it for whatever reason. So, since today is ALL ABOUT HIM, what better time to get all sickeningly sweet and effusive about the man I love.

Sappy Tribute the First: I have suffered from insomnia for as long as I can remember. When I was little it wasn't "insomnia" in my mind, but I'd be up all hours of the night with my flashlight under my covers reading. Post-college was when I started to clue in to what was going on, and figured out ways to work around it. Basically, when I'm under a lot of stress the thoughts start going a million miles an hour. When I lay down to go to sleep, the thoughts overpower the sleep, and I just start obsessing over things. The most surefire way to beat this is to have the TV on the crappiest programming I can stomach. It has to be interesting enough that my brain will at listen so it stops it with ALL THE THINKING, but boring enough that it can put me to sleep.

Tuesday night I got hit with a big wallop of sleeplessness. Between condo stuff and wedding stuff and work stuff and life stuff my brain just wouldn't sit still. So I went out to the couch. And it would have been easy enough for me to just sack out there for the night, but I wanted to be with my Sweetie. I sleep better with my Sweetie. I've suffered from a LOT less insomnia since moving in with my Sweetie.

He's got a lot of wonderful qualities that I love and adore, but, honestly, the ability to get me on a somewhat regular sleep schedule would be reason enough alone to marry the guy.

Sappy Tribute the Second: So we're watching Survivor last night, and it was the episode where the reward challenge was an auction for food and, at the end, letters from home. This time not everyone bought their letter from home, and it wasn't necessarily because they didn't have enough money. In the seasons I've been watching Survivor, this is the first time not everyone has bought the letters.

And you know what, a few years ago, before Sweetie was in my life, I don't know that I would have bought the letters. Family and friends, don't get this wrong, I love you all dearly, but I don't know that your messages from home would give me that needed push to get me through to the end. I KNOW Sweetie's would. I'd NEED those letters. I can even imagine what they'd say. I won't share it here, and not because of TMI, but because to try to explain to you why these stupid, pithy things would give me the motivation necessary to eat bugs and do other Survivor-type stuff would take more room than this blog has.

Yeah, I've found my soulmate. And he's 35 today. So go wish him a happy birthday, if you haven't already! (Oh, and am also happy that his birthday is 3-1/2 weeks after mine, because it makes it a lot easier to plan his birthday after he's already planned mine).


Blogger TeacherRefPoet said...

Love you, babe!

4:12 PM  

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