Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Political Debates, Swank Style

Last night I had the opportunity to watch my state's gubernatorial debate off the sweetie's TiVo. About 10 seconds into the opening remarks of the first candidate he was already boring me with what he had to say, so I hit the fast forward button. Then I started fast-forwarding if they weren't answering the question. Then I was fast-forwarding when they were mentioning their big grand plan for the 10th time. By the end of the debate I was basically only listening to the questions, because the discourse went something like this:

Moderator: Candidate, do you plan on raising teacher salaries while you are in office? If so, how? If not, why not?

Candidate 1: Teachers are great. But I want to talk about my opponents health-plan that the mentioned 3 questions ago. ....fast forward....

Candidate 2: Teachers are awesome and deserve lots of respect. In fact, in my fifty point manifesto point number 17 says that education is important. ... fast forward...

I've come up with a new plan for the political debates:

Each of the candidates will be in a clear, soundproof, box and I, as moderator, will have control over their microphones. If the question isn't answered, or the candidate goes off topic, or just starts to drivel on without really saying anything, then I get to turn their microphone off and they have sacrificed their turn.

I will encourage the cameras to show their faces, because the expression on their face when they get cut-off would be priceless.

I would also be free to interrupt and tell them that they were boring me, and should really be more interesting if they want me to pay attention to anything.


Blogger Joe said...

I don't think you're dreaming big enough. As long as you've got them in soundproof booths, let's make them dunk tanks. Give a panel of "reasonable citizens" (and possibly professional baseball players) directions to start throwing softballs at the target as soon as they realize the punk isn't answering the question.

There's a reaction shot for you.

"Well, health care is important, but the safety of our street is no wait nowaithealth care ARGH splash!"

8:01 AM  
Blogger Swankette said...

The sadist in me was thinking more shock collars. I can give them a little tease with the electric shock before I turn the mike off.

8:42 AM  
Blogger Greg said...

With increasing voltage for eack subsequent violation.

10:24 AM  
Blogger lemming said...

I think that the candidates might be thoroughly shocked (no pun intended) (well, OK, a little one) to have someone force them to stay on task and on question. I'll happily support Swank debates, but only if Jon Stewart can still cover them, too.

11:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd actually be able to stay away during THAT debate!!!! Where are you gonna attach the electrodes?


1:11 PM  
Blogger Swankette said...

Of course Jon Stewart can cover them. Heck, he can be the moderator if I can have control of the mics and the shocker.

2:14 PM  
Blogger TeacherRefPoet said...


Would you be willing to share moderator duties with an insult comic? On your signal, the comic could say "BOOORRRRINGGGGGG!!!" Or something David Spade-like: "Hello! I answered a question once, in 1995!"

This in ADDITION TO the shock collar AND the dunk-tank. But not at the same time. I want no fatalities in the debate.

5:19 PM  

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