Thursday, October 21, 2004

Red, White and Blue

There will be plenty of red at the upcoming World Series, so everyone should vote blue in the presidential election.

And while we're on the subject, why is it the democrats are blue and republicans are red? You'd think that since red is closer to pink they'd make the democrats red, because being a democrat and a liberal commie pinko really aren't that far apart either, you know?


Blogger TeacherRefPoet said...


Here you go:

This is a fascinating article that answers your question. And it makes me feel better--I swore I remembered watching the 1976 election returns (I was 6) and rooting for Ford, who was blue. I also remember an almost all-blue map in 1984. It appears that the maps' color selections were purely whimsical until 2000, but the Bush/Gore election, and all the time we spent squinting at those electoral maps, seems to have cemented these colors.

What color starts with D: "Republican Red, Democrat D..." Daffodil??? Dun? That's the logical color for Dems, I think.

5:09 PM  

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