Tuesday, November 30, 2004

The Amazing Race 6: Episode 3

Tonight's episode of The Amazing Race included, quite possibly, the easiest detour competion ever appearing on the program, and yet several teams took the slower route.

Teams were at the world's largest IKEA store. Option 1 was to count out items in bins (large bins, one of which contained very small stuffed bears. A total of 2304 items to be counted). When you got the count right you got the clue.

Option 2 was to put together an IKEA desk. Perhaps I would be at an advantage on this task, as I have owned my share of IKEA furniture over the years (including a desk quite similar to the one featured on the program), so know my way around allen wrenches and toggle bolts. IKEA is known worldwide because their furniture is made in order to be assembled at home. The instructions feature lots of pictures.

Yet people choose to count the 2,304 items. And when they got the count wrong they choose to count again. And again. And again. The final 2 teams did finally give up and switch to building the desk. Had they not made the switch they might still be in Sweden counting stuffed bears.

Props to Lena, who was eliminated with her sister Kristy this evening. Every race there is the dumb luck challenge. There are 20 clues spread throughout these 250 items. You must pick through the items until you find one with a clue. Maybe it will be the first one you try, or maybe not. Last time around it was chocolates that had to be bitten into. This time it was bales of hay that had to be unfurled. Lena spent over 8 hours unfurling hay bales. You could see the exhaustion on her continue to intensify. They arrived at the challenge third, and 2 hours after the final team checked in at the pitstop, in pitch black dark, the host came to eliminate them before they completed the challenge.


Blogger kaphine said...

I was soooo excited when I saw the "Build It" challenge. I wouldn't leave the gym until they'd finished. We would have soooo rocked that challenge. I love IKEA, and I love assembling IKEA.

10:32 AM  
Blogger Joe said...

Hmmm. This is an interesting one. I certainly think I could assemble prefab furniture faster than I could accurately count over 2000 small items.

Sadly, almost everyone who has attempted furniture assembly with me now refuses to be in a building where I'm trying it. Something about the cussing and stomping and slamming things...

and I'm not the only person in this situation.

2:23 PM  
Blogger TeacherRefPoet said...

I can assemble Ikea furniture. I just do it quite slowly.

9:54 PM  

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