Monday, November 22, 2004

Morning Has Broken

My morning routine has reached a critical point, and if I don't do something to control it soon bad things may happen.

I am NOT a morning person. The "Swankette must have less than a 30 minute commute to work" rule is as much about me hating commuting as it is about me needing every possible moment of sleep in the morning, and not wanting to get up one second earlier than is absolutely necessary.

When I was living solo my morning routine went something like this:

7:00 am - Alarm #1 (radio) goes off.
7:30 am - Alarm #2 (buzzer) goes off.
7:50 am - Swankette manages to drag her butt out of bed and into the shower
8:05 am - Swankette gets dressed
8:18 am - Swankette does her hair
8:20-8:30 am - Swankette arrives at work, on time.

Now that I'm with Sweetie this should all be easier. He leaves at 6:30 am, and wakes me up before he goes. I should be able to get up, shower, do my makeup, eat a proper breakfast, do a little light cleaning around the house, post to the blog, pay bills, create a Martha Stewart masterpiece, and still arrive at work early.

Here's the current routine:

6:30 am - Sweetie wakes me as he leaves the house. He turns the radio and the light on, so I know it's really time to wake up.
6:31 am - fall back asleep
7:00 am - wake up on my own (amazing, but true)
7:20 am - I really should get out of bed now, but the news will be on in a few minutes, so I'll just lie here a little longer
7:30 am - drag my butt out of bed and into the shower
7:50 am - out of the shower, I wrap my hair in a towel and crawl under the covers again with a book
8:15 am - oh yeah, I've got to go to work today. Better get up and get dressed.
8:28 am - hair
8:30 am - leave the house
8:40 am - Need caffeine, must stop at 7-11 for a Diet Coke
8:45 - 8:50 am - make it into work. Hopefully boss hasn't noticed I'm late.

Thankfully work hasn't been too busy lately that I can get away with this, but I really need to figure out a way to get up and get to work on time. Especially since Sweetie has already started his work day when I'm just beginning to drag my butt out of bed.


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