Sunday, December 26, 2004

Zit Zapper

I have found a miracle product, and I must now spread word about it to all who will listen.

First, a bit of history. Over half my life I have been plagued by acne. Due to a brother who suffered worse than I did in the teen years I made it on the fast-track to thwarting it. That means I had a dermatologist, and after a token try at tetracylne the doctor did not pass go, did not collect $200, and moved me past all other treatment options straight to accutane. As I understand it accutane is basically mega-doses of Vitamin A which completely dry out your system, thus killing off the acne. Side-effects include chapped lips, dry skin, and it can cause mega birth defects if you were to become preganant while taking it. You must take monthly blood tests while on the medication to make sure your system doesn't go completely out of whack. Serious stuff, but worth it when you're a teenager with the world's largest connect-the-dots game running across your face.

I went on the drug three times through high school and college. The final time I went my former dermatologist had retired, and even though the new doctor had my records it took a lot of sweet-talking and some Jedi mind tricks to get her to go straight to the accutane. That, combined with the fact that the drug ran somewhere around $200/month in the mid-90's and lousy prescription coverage for much of the last 10 years has made me not want to go back down that route. The acne still persisted, but to a level where I could mostly deal with it.

When Sweetie and I traveled to England this summer I had forgotten to pack my makeup bag. I don't normally wear much makeup, but there were a few times where I would have liked to have a little something on. At first I was just going to deal, but it was Clinique Bonus Time at Boots, a drug-store chain, so I took advantage of the opportunity.

Within the bonus gift I was given was an anti-blemish gel. I didn't even notice it until a few weeks ago. But I happened to have a particularly annoying zit at the time, so figured I'd throw a little on and see what happened. THIS STUFF IS AMAZING!

Best way I can tell you how it works, it to tell a story. Once upon a time a friend, we'll call her Heather, went to her high school senior prom. When she left for the evening her hair and makeup were flawless and her complexion was fine. She went to dinner, went to the dance, got home and there was an ENORMOUS zit on the end of her nose. It had to have grown over the course of the evening. She was sure that while she was sitting at dinner the enthralled look on her date's face was not due to the scintillating conversation, but because he was watching the zit that ate New York growing on the tip of her nose. Well, this stuff does that in reverse. Put it on before you go to bed at night and when you wake up in the morning the zit may not be completely gone, but it's just a tiny red dot rather than a bulbous mass of puss.

Best I can tell, the US equivalent is this stuff. I strongly suggest you make your way to your local Clinique counter and stock up. Unless you're one of those sick people who never gets blemishes, in which case I would like to put a curse on you now.


Blogger lemming said...

Believe it or not (and I am NOT making this up) raw potato rubbed over the acne-attacked part of your body works, too. It doesn't work for long periods of time, but when used every day for a few weeks, it can be very effective.

10:58 AM  
Blogger kaphine said...

I get great results from a spot-treatment of tea tree oil. And, it's quite inexpensive at Trader Joe's.

8:11 AM  

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