Thursday, February 10, 2005

Beer Thirty

In the past I have extolled the virtues of working in a wet office. I am now here to tell you that it is not all fun and games.

Because when you work in a wet office the boss can send an e-mail out to everyone that says, "Tomorrow afternoon we're having pizza and beer!" Sometimes it's to celebrate someone's birthday, sometimes it's to celebrate a holiday and sometimes it's to celebrate the fact that it's Friday and we've all survived another week/month/year.

Now on the surface that may sound like a good thing, but when your boss has the uncanny ability to ALWAYS schedule these Friday afternoon festivities for those Fridays you will be leaving after work to go on a 200 mile road trip and, therefore, don't want to drink -- well, that can be a real bummer.

We're three in a row now. The Christmas party was the day Sweetie and I went down to Portland for Christmas. Boss #2's Birthday party was the day I went down to Portland to buy me a wedding dress. And tomorrow (an early valentine's celebration) Sweetie and I are heading to Portland to retrieve the cat.

Especially painful this time because there is a 6-pack of Old Peculier in the fridge at work with my name on it. A late Christmas present from Boss #2 that I keep forgetting to take home.


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