Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Living Up to the Name

The 2005 House of Swank Fantasy Baseball Team has two Red Sox on the squad: Kevin Millar and Jason Varitek. Curt Schilling doesn't count because he's got a bum ankle and is just taking up space until I can unload him at the All Star Break.

Millar and Varitek were two of the five Sox featured on Queer Eye for the Straight Guy tonight.

In other words: they've got the Swank part DOWN now. Unfortunately, it would be a lot better if they got the baseball part down. Although, all credit to these two guys, they've been doing a fine job. The rest of the guys not so hot. Maybe I can get the Fab Five to make over the rest of my team.


Blogger Eve said...

Hey, don't knock Varitek. He's done wonders with Matt Clement (7-1, I think?) and he is very swank.

Millar's not looking so good.

Did they have Johnny Damon on? He needs a queer eye makeover more than anyone.

4:24 PM  
Blogger Swankette said...

Damon was on and they didn't cut his hair.

There was back waxing all around, though.

6:35 PM  
Blogger Eve said...

Thank God for that. Ugh, back hair.

2:29 PM  

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