Friday, June 03, 2005

Now Why Didn't I Think of That?

Today a co-worker, out of the blue, says to me, "Swankette, you should start a blog!"

I quizzed him as to why and his response was, "You've got lots to say."

I mentioned that I have not one, but two blogs. Didn't give him the address, but he may be able to find me. I mentioned the number of people who find my blog by searchinng on the term "muppet porn."

But if he DOES find the site then I'll know that HE was one of those doing that search. Kind of a damned if you do and damned if you don't if you ask me.


Blogger Shannin said...

Muppet porn -- who knew?

I don't think anyone at work knows about my blog, but I guess if they tried to find me they could.

6:48 AM  

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