Saturday, December 04, 2004

Super Powers

You know how you'll be sitting around with friends shooting the breeze and somehow-or-other, no one really knows how, the subject comes around to "If you were a super hero what would your super power be?" And don't saying you've never run into this situation before, because I've run into this situation before, and it's not like I'm big on the superheroes.

The last time I was big on superheros was circa 1978, when I used to jump off the swingset in the back yard, run to the opposite end of the yard, do the gymnast jump with the arms up in the air, and pretend that I was Wonder Woman and had really jumped that 30 feet. And I really don't know if I was big on superheroes myself, or if I was just younger sibling to a 9 year old male.

But back to the question at hand. I've always hated it when that question came up, because I could never come up with a good superpower to have. But last night I came up with the PERFECT superpower - the ability to be packed with a snap of the fingers. It may have something to do with the fact that I pulled a nearly all-nighter, because the procrastination had caught up with me, but I think this would be a marvelous superpower to have.

Moving? SNAP - Boxes are well packed and labeled. Everything is in a box. The crap you don't want anymore is in the garbage or off to Goodwill.

Going on Vacation? SNAP - Luggage is packed, and you can fit the entire required wardrobe with items to spare under the seat in front of you. Linen won't wrinkle, shampoo won't explode, you won't forget anything, and you won't be late to the airport because you put it off just too long.

Holiday Season over? SNAP - The ornaments and decorations are automatically packed away in the attic awaiting next year's festivities. (My Mom, aka the Queen of Christmas, helped come up with this one).

While watching the young men with muscles move all my boxes today I had to come up with a way that this could be used by a superhero, and I've figured it out. Once some other superhero sniffs out the lair of the evil villan I can come and SNAP pack it up and move it, so when the villan comes home IT'S ALL GONE!

Really, I'm surprised no one has come up with this before.


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