Tuesday, January 18, 2005

The Amazing Race 6: Episode 10

And there was much rejoicing in the land!

But, before I bid my FOND farewell to the most evil team ever, I must give props where they are due.

Kendra's whiny world view has been frustrating me for several weeks now. Senagalese living in poverty and they just keep BREEDING! Well, this week found the teams revisiting Africa, this time Ethiopia, and Kendra's first comment was that they were being forced back into the third world - the horror! Upon arriving in Ethiopia she commented that the poverty didn't seem as bad - people seemed happy with their poverty and the cows were fatter! But when you're looking at utter abject poverty vs. Just abject poverty I don't think you really get to make that comparison. However, Kendra showed she has a heart this episode. First, when Victoria was hurt and Jonathan just continued on with the task at hand Kendra actually shrieked at Jonathan that he should be helping Victoria. And, although she didn't stop what she was doing, Kendra took the time to ask Victoria if she was OK, which is more than what Jonathan did. Score 1 for Kendra. Second, Kendra had an asthma attack while escorting some donkeys between destinations. Local kids offered to carry her pack for her while she was having difficulty breathing. You know, how at the end of "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" you can see the Grinches heart grow three sizes that day? Well, I think I saw Kendra's heart grow a little bit today.

After tonight's episode I've got new rooting interests. I want the children of Ethiopia to win the race. They were all excited as hell to help the teams out, and seemed like some really cool kids.

With the winners must come the losers, and I am pleased to announce that Jonathan and Victoria were eliminated this leg of the race. That means I can continue to watch the show next season. The moral of the story - make sure you always read the clue as it is written. Because when it tells you to escort two donkeys and you only escort one donkey, then you've got to do double the work and that throws you into last place.

Moral of the story number two - relationships are more important than the race. As in, when your spouse is SHRIEKING in pain it might be nice to take five seconds and ask them if you can help, rather than continuing to fling manure at the side of an African hut. And when your partner is SHRIEKING at you because you have her shoes and she is going through horrible pain trying to walk through the field, maybe you should take 10 seconds to give her her shoes back rather than continue on. Because even with those 15 seconds to spare you still came in last place today.

Moral of the story number three - you can't buy your way into first place. So spending all your time trying to bribe a local to be your guide can be enough of a waste of time to throw you into last place. Which is especially funny considering that once you got to where the guide was taking you there were plenty of locals willing to help you out for a smile and a kind word. Except your incapable of a smile and a kind word, so maybe it's a good thing you engaged in the bribery after all.

The smirk on Phil's face as Jonathan and Victoria crossed the finish line was worth gold. He was legitimately surprised by them in Berlin, and legitimately elated to see them go today. If anyone will be sorry to see them gone it will be Adam, because now that the abusive spouse poster child is off the show it will be a lot easier to see how childish Adam is. And how his childishness can become abusive towards Rebecca. Thankfully, Rebecca recognizes this (and went so far as to compare Adam to Jonathan tonight), so she won't put up with it the way Victoria does.

So remember, next week we root FOR the Ethiopian children and AGAINST Adam (aka hornboy) and Rebecca.


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