Monday, January 17, 2005

Law and Order

Mission complete. Thanks to the world's greatest invention, TiVo, I've now seen an episode of Law and Order. They didn't all live happily ever after and it wasn't all tied up with a neat bow at the end. That compels me.

Reminds me of the first time I saw ER. It was 1994 or 1995 and I was sitting around the apartment one Thursday night having one of those, "I must just sit in front of the television and do nothing" sort of nights. Didn't have cable at the time, surfed through the available options with nothing reaching out and grabbing me, but I'd heard good things about the show so the roomie and I decided to leave it on. There was a character in the plotline who was dying of something. Throughout the show we kept saying, "But it will get better before the end of the show." "15 more minutes for them to find a miracle cure." "Come on, you can do it!" He ended up dying before the end of the episode. I was hooked. (It's been a roller coaster relationship since then, as the show seems to jump the shark on a regular basis)

Anyhow, back to Law and Order. It was enjoyable. I liked the interaction between the detectives and the DA's office. I liked the way they were all trying to put the puzzle pieces together, trying to make it all fit the picture. There were lots of twists and turns along the way.

I wasn't compelled enough that it's made it onto my "must see" list. However, it was interesting enough that it's on the list when I'm sitting home looking for something to watch, I'll definitely tune in again.


Blogger Hugh said...

Did you watch the present incarnation, with Dennis Farina playing (GASP!) a police officer? I would recommend staying with the old episodes on TNT until this present cast proves itself.

7:33 AM  
Blogger Joe said...

Actually, Farina was a mob-busting cop in Police Story (1986-88, also NBC IIRC). But in my heart, he'll always be gangster Jimmy Serrano in Midnight Run. (Best. Buddy Movie. Ever.)

8:02 AM  
Blogger Swankette said...

At the suggestion of others it was a Jerry Orbach episode off TNT. As cop shows go it was top-notch, I'm just not much of a cop show person, so that's why it isn't instantly on the must-see list.

8:51 AM  
Blogger Greg said...

Two things got me hooked on the show and keep me coming back whenever I have time to watch:

1) The two-part nature of the show. You have the investigation, and then you have the trial. It's so rare to see the whole story done so well from the body on the sidewalk all the way to the verdict.

2) The Twist. You know it's coming every single episode, but it still manages to surprise you. Al and I are constantly trying to guess what the twist will be before it happens. We fail a surprising number of times - more often than not.

10:50 AM  
Blogger Swankette said...

Got the two-part episode. Got the twist. Didn't get the trial. Maybe that's why I was just eh about it.

The episode in question there were two murders. One person got murdered, then the witness to that murder got knocked off. They pinned both murders to a local bad guy, and he was willing to plea. Which led to the twist, because really he was protecting his brother who had done the first murder. Then the bad guy got himself killed in prison. So there was no way to pin the first murder on the brother, so he walked.

Now I need to go find another episode with a trial and check it out. I'm so totally going to get sucked in, I can feel it.

11:03 AM  

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