Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Will Work For a Reasonable Salary

I'm unemployed. Have been for nearly a week. Haven't said anything sooner, because my parents have recently left on an adventure and I wanted to tell them in person rather than having them read it on my blog. Every career change I've had since graduating college has taken place while my parents are traveling. This trip they were orginally going to leave last Thursday, but then decided that if they could get stuff together soon enough they'd leave on Wedensday. They did leave on Wednesday, same day I left my job. That's kind of a creepy correlation there.

It was sort of sudden, but when your work is abusing your willingness to put in the extra effort and giving you more work than one person can reasonably accomplish, and when it's just a J-O-B for you, well it's time to get out.

I took the end of last week to regroup and try to get my body back into some sort of normal state, sleeping well, eating well, chilling out. The goal was to hit the jackpot while in Vegas this weekend, but that didn't quite happen, so off I go to find something to help pay the bills.

I'm feeling very encouraged, as there appear to be a LOT of jobs (20+ that I can currently apply for through the resources I've used thus far), that qualify as worthwhile employment to me. As in, I could do something that I am good at and enjoy while earning a meaningful salary. I'm looking toward event planning, training, and program management types of stuff. Focusing on schools and non-profits, but I'm willing to work for capitalists as well (just seems like most of what I'm looking for is within the non-profit/education arena).

Of course, if someone wanted to pay me to just sit at home and blog all day I'd be open to that as well. So, if you know of any job opportunities there, or want to hire me, just let me know.


Blogger Greg said...


That's it, we're putting your parents on house arrest. No more trips for them!

Seriously though, you might want to talk to Al. Since she's been at the Institute for Nonprofit Management at PSU she's developed quite a list of contacts at nonprofit-type organizations. True, many are in the PDX area but definitely not all of them.

4:54 PM  
Blogger Joe said...

Good luck with the search. If I happen to see anything in your neck of the woods (unlikely but not impossible), I'll let you know.


6:38 AM  
Blogger lemming said...

Sorry to hear the bad news - but good luck with finding something far better.

11:33 AM  

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