Wednesday, November 09, 2005

I Almost Made Her Head Explode

I don't think that I'm a difficult customer. I generally allow people a lot of slack. And when they are being idiots, I don't rip them a new one there on the spot. I come on my blog and tell the world about it, instead.

But yesterday, while shopping at Target, I think I pushed one of their employees to the edge.

It was a simple enough task - I was purchasing a baby gift for some friends. The shower isn't for a couple of weeks, but while I've got all this time to fill it seems a good thing to get checked off the to-do list. On the registry list was a coupon for money off a card if you purchased something off the registry, which seemed a good thing to take advantage of.

When I unloaded my items on the conveyor belt, I also included a copy of the registry. In the international language of consumer this means, "I have purchased something off of a registry. You should remove the item from the registry and provide me with a gift receipt. If you are a store that boxes up packages, that would be nice as well. But this it Target, you don't do that, so no worries there." I KNOW this is what that means, because I have gone through this same exchange many, many times previously in my life. Earlier that day I was purchasing a different registry item and me and the cashier went through the exchange without a single difficulty.

So it comes to the end and she announces the total. But she hasn't scanned the coupon.

"There was a coupon on the registry for the card."

The cashier stands there for a second, just looking confused. "Oh, you mean this?" Indicating the registry I had put in front of her.

"Yes. It was on one of the pages."

She's just staring at the papers, as if willing the coupon to appear, so I pick them up and flip through the four pages to find the coupon and provide it to the cashier. She tries to scan it a few times.

"It won't scan." What did people ever do before scanners?

So I ask her, "What's the problem?"

She eventuall decides that she will just give me a discount off the couponed item through the register. But taking 50 cents off the $2.79 price was a bit too challenging, so she gave me 59 cents off the price.

Transaction complete, she hands me my receipt. No gift receipt. I thought at Target it was standard issue to give people a gift receipt. I've bought nothing other than a Diet Coke in the store before, because they didn't have what I was looking for, and they gave me a gift receipt. But when you're actually buying a gift, nope, no gift receipt here. So I dared to ask her for a gift receipt.

That's the moment I think her head almost exploded. It seemed a rather basic request to me.

But I got the gifts, including money off and gift receipt. I just hope the next person in line didn't ask her for a rain check. That would have totally thrown her over the edge.


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