Friday, November 18, 2005

Joke Time

Today my boss shared the following joke with our department:

Q: What does Bush think of Roe vs. Wade?

A: He doesn't care how people get out of New Orleans

OK, I've heard the joke before, perhaps more than once, and it's one that gets less funny every time you hear it, but dang if I didn't want to jump up and hug her and celebrate the fact that I am no longer the office communist for having left-leaning tendencies.

HOW did I ever survive in my last job for three years? Oh yeah, the money was good. But just take a look:

At the previous job stilettos were common, cars in the parking lot were Lexuses (Lexi?), and your worth was judged by how many e-mails you received a minute... a blackberry was the ultimate accessory.

At the new job Clarks are more the norm, people drive Subarus, and I've received 10 e-mails in my two days there. Nine of those were all staff e-mails.

Oh yeah, life is good.


Blogger Shannin said...

I once had a fellow co-worker say I was left of Lenin...he's a fellow lefty so I took that as a compliment.

Sounds like you are in a much better place. I couldn't deal with a super high pressure job - just not my style at all.

6:25 PM  
Blogger Joe said...

Anyone who measures their worth by their volume of email isn't getting enough email yet.

But guys like me can fix that, if you want... ;-)

(Fun game - substitute other words for "email" in that first sentence.)

7:09 AM  
Blogger tommyspoon said...

Ok, I'll bite:

"V8 HEMIs"
"Saab 37 Viggens"
"hammer toes"
"cold fronts"

(This moment of Dada-esque poetry has been brought to you by Haliburton: the most Dada-esque company in the world.)

10:46 AM  

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