Sunday, April 17, 2005

The New and Improved House of Swank

Went and bought a new laptop computer today. I'm not going to say what kind, because someone will say I could have gotten a better deal with some other brand, or this one doesn't have the power we need or some silly thing like that.

But I did my due diligence, and given that the primary function Sweetie and I demand of the laptop is "ability to surf the internet from the La-Z-Boy," this one will do quite fine. It's got a large, pretty screen, and given that the prior laptop was a 1998 Compaq with about 1 KB of free space available, this already blows that one under the table.

Getting the last of the registrations and such done now, tomorrow I'll commence with the transferring of the files off the old computer, and then I believe we will pull the plug on the Compaq and commence funeral services.

I don't know if the Compaq had a living will or medical directive, but I believe that even if we're taken to court we've got our butts covered. You know how on laptops there are the two hinges that hold the screen to the computer? One of those came disconnected sometime between Friday night and Saturday morning. Thankfully the darn thing still worked, because although I know I could hook the thing up to an external monitor that would be a real pain in the butt.

That means blog posts are going to be a LOT easier now, too. Since the computer moves at a reasonable speed, especially when looking up other websites for links.


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