Thursday, March 24, 2005

For Women's Eyes Only

Guys, why are you still reading? Really, you don't want to hang out here. Look, I've got lots of posts about sports. Trust me, you'd rather be there than here.

OK, ladies, I must vent because I just got over the worst case of PMS EVER! It just drug on FOREVER!

Normally when that time of the month rolls around I've got three days of torture.
Day 1: Insomnia extreme. Probably not going to sleep until 2 am.
Day 2: Sleepy and blah, given that I only got a few hours of sleep last night.
Day 3: Lump on the couch. Eating bad food. Cramps are optional.

And then it's over, with a burst of energy to boot.

This month the individual symptoms weren't near the worst symptoms I've ever experienced, but man they just drug on and on and on and on and on.

A week ago I had that night of insomnia. Which has put me in the sleepy and blah mood ever since. Tuesday was my lump on the couch eat bad food day. Wednesday was my lump on the couch eat bad food day (although I did force myself to go to the gym). Today started off as my eat bad food day. And then there was relief. Thank goodness, with a training session tonight.

OK, bitch-fest over.


Blogger TeacherRefPoet said...

Reason #2,727,993 I'm marrying this woman:

I didn't notice any of the above.

Either I'm REALLY dense, or she's really good at hiding this stuff.

6:21 AM  
Blogger Swankette said...

He's really dense. Because he noticed at the time, he's just forgotten since then. But that's part of why I love him.

8:45 AM  
Blogger kaphine said...

Dense: not only did you read what she had indicated you shouldn't, you then commented, demonstrating that you had read.

2:05 PM  

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